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All Gender Restrooms at the University of Cologne

At the end of 2017, the Rectorate of the University of Cologne decided to establish all gender restrooms in all central buildings. Individual areas or institutions of the university are invited to mark already shared facilities accordingly or to redesignate individual toilet rooms as "toilets for all genders" - as long as a sufficient number of toilets for women and men remains.

By activating the family campus plan under map layers in the menu of the interactive UoC map you can view the locations of UoC's all gender restrooms.



BuildingFloor // RoomNote
69 - CECADGround Floor // 0.042
Ground Floor // 0.044
not publicly accessible
100 - Main buildingLower Floor // 3.0119, 2.057, 2.058next to the in-house print shop and next to the room of silence
102 - Students Service CenterLower Floor //  -1.313 
103 - Arts and Humanities BuildingGround Flooropposite the information desk
114 - Institute for African Studies and EgyptologyLower Floor // Ground Floor // 1st Floornot publicly accessible
119 BT1 - UnisportGround FloorSports hall
124 - Seminar Center Dept. 42 & Dept. 43Ground Floor 
154 - Gender Equality OfficeGround Floor // 0.02not publicly accessible
210b - Construction Management BuildingGround Floornext to seminar room 0B01
216b - Faculty of Human Sciences, Block BLower Floor // -1.201, -1.202opposite the library circulation
310 - Geosciences, middle componentLower FloorLecture Hall Wing
321 BT6 - New building physicsLower Floor // HS.1-21 
322a - Chemistry DepartmentLower Floor // U 29Lecture Hall Wing
344 - Division 7Ground Floor // 1st Floornot publicly accessible
415 - Canteen ZollstockGround Floor // -0.309 
890 - Ökologische Forschungstation ReesEG // 0.01., 0.02.
0.03 (barrierefrei)
(Außenstation des Instituts Zoologie)
906 - Faculty of Human Sciences, Module Building1st floor // 1.13, 1.14 

Further Information