Counselling Centres at the University in the Areas of Diversity and Equal Opportunities
For more specific requests or questions, please contact the responsible institutions and organisations.
Accessibility & Inclusion/Psychological Counselling
- Addiction prevention and counselling for employees of the University of Cologne
- Beauftragte*r für Studierenden mit Behinderung oder chronischer Erkrankung (Representative for Students with Special Needs or Chronic Illnesses)
- Kölner Studierendenwerk: Psychologische Beratung (Psychological Support of the Studierendenwerk)
- Psychosocial counselling for employees of the University of Cologne
- Schwerbehindertenvertretung (SBV) für Beschäftigte (Representative for employees with severe disablities)
- Studieren ohne Schranken SOS (Autonomes Behindertenreferat der Universität zu Köln, AStA) (Autonomous Special Needs Unit of the University of Cologne)
- Wegweiser für das Studium mit Behinderung, chronischer oder psychischer Erkrankung (Guide to studying with a disability, chronic or mental illness)
- Anti-racism consultation for employees (Dr. Rahab Njeri, Department for Equal Opportunities)
- Anti-racism consulting for students (Jessie Mmari, Autonomous BIPoC Department)
- Autonomes BIPoC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) Department of the University of Cologne
Autonomous BIPoC Department
- Point of Contact for Antisemitism Concerns
- Anti-racism and anti-antisemitism counseling for employees (Dr. Rahab Njeri, Department for Equal Opportunities)
- Anti-racism and anti-antisemitism counseling for students (Jessie Mmari, Autonomous BIPoC Department)
External Counselling Centres:
- Counselling & reporting antisemitic incidents at the Cologne Specialist Office against Antisemitism (NS Documentation Centre of the City of Cologne)
- OFEK e.V. - Counselling center for antisemitic violence and discrimination
Educational Justice
- Autonomous Unit for Anticlassist Empowerment -fakE
Counselling, Events, Empowerment - Erste Generation Promotion e. V. (egp) (First Generation Doctorate)
Dialogue and mentoring opportunities for Master's students, doctoral candidates and doctoral candidates who were the first in their families to obtain a degree - Mercator Institute for Literacy and Language Education
Counselling for educational administrators and practitioners on the implementation of language promotion concepts - Studentisches Forum für Integration und Bildung e. V. (Student Forum for Integration and Education)
Forum for motivated pupils from economically disadvantaged backgrounds
- Academic and Non-Academic Staff Council
(General Equal Treatment Act complaints office - Legal Department)
Counselling for university employees on violations of the General Equal Treatment Act. Contact person is Ms. Merten (Representative: Ms. Myatt) - AGG-Beschwerdestelle (Justitiariat)
- Autonomous BIPoC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) Department of the University of Cologne
- Autonomous Unit for Anticlassist Empowerment -fakE
- Central Gender Equality Officer of the University of Cologne
Counselling in cases of discrimination based on sex, sexualised discrimination/sexual harassment and in the field of sexual identity or orientation - Central office for protection against discrimination and abuse of power
First point of contact for students and employees with questions relating to discrimination and abuse of power - Gender Equality Officers of the Faculties
- Network Anti-discrimination at the medial faculty
- Nightline Köln e.V.
Support hotline from students for students - Liaison officers for student discrimination issues
Counselling in cases of discrimination based on race, religion, gender, age and sexual orientation - Racism-critical consultation for employees (Dr. Rahab Njeri, Department Gender & Diversity Management)
- Racism-critical consultation hours for students (Jessie Mmari, Autonomous BIPoC Department)
- Referat für Antidiskriminierung und Kultur (AStA)
Department for Anti-discrimination and Culture of the General Students' Committee
- Suggestions and Complaints Office for Students
- Autonomes AusländerInnenreferat der Universität zu Köln (AStA) (Autonomous Department for Foreigners of the University of Cologne - General Students' Committee)
- Autonomes Queerreferat der Universität zu Köln, AQUK (AStA) (Autonomous Queer Department of the University of Cologne)
- Besondere Studienangelegenheiten (Abt. 23): Hochschulzugang ohne Abitur (Department 23: Special Student Matters: University admission without Abitur)
- International Office of the University of Cologne
- KOOST: GasthörerInnen und Seniorstudierende (Auditor and Senior Citizens' Studies)
- Alumni & Fördernde: Stipendienprogramm der Universität zu Köln (Alumni & Sponsors: Scholarship Programme of the University of Cologne)
Counselling regarding scholarships for students - BAföG- und Sozialberatung (AStA) (BAföG and social counselling - General Students' Committee)
Counselling for students - Funding Opportunites for Stays Aboad
- Sozialberatung des Kölner Studierendenwerks (Social Counselling offered by the Studierendenwerk)
Social and economic counselling for students - Stipendium für Auslandsaufenthalte für Studierende mit Kind(ern)
Scholarship for stays abroad for students with child(ren)
Refugee Support
- Refugee Law Clinic Cologne e.V.
Free legal advice and other assistance for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers - UoC Academic Refugee Support (International Office)
Equal Opportunities
- Autonomes Frauen- und Lesbenreferat der Universität zu Köln (AStA) (Autonomous Women's & Lesbian Division - General Students' Committee)
- Autonomes Queerreferat der Universität zu Köln, AQUK (AStA) (Autonomous Queer Department of the University of Cologne)
- GeStiK - Gender Studies in Cologne
Gender-specific courses and the Gender Studies Certificate - Gender Equality Officers of the Faculties
- Gender Equality Officer of the University Clinic
- Academic and Non-Academic Staff Council
- Student Representatives of the Gender Equality Officers
- Central Gender Equality Officer of the University of Cologne
Career Development
- Professional Center of the UoC
Events for orientation in the job market and development of vocational skills for students - Female Career Program (FCP)
Seminars on career development for female students, graduates, doctoral candidates, scientists and employees - Mentoring programmes
for researchers in qualification phases for personal and professional future planning - Staff Development
for scientists/scholars and administrative and technical staff
Compatibility of Career/Studies/Science
- Akademische Elternvertretung e.V.
Netzwerk of studying parents - BAföG- und Sozialberatung (AStA) (BAföG and social counselling - General Students' Committee)
Counselling for students - Dual Career and Family Support (Dept. 45): Family Support - Children
Advice for university employees on successful compatibility management between family and career - Dual Career and Family Support (Dept. 45): Family Support - Elder Care
Counselling and information services for university employees on the compatibility of care and career - International Office - International Mobility (Dept. 93)
Counselling regarding studying abroad - Nightline Köln e.V.
Support hotline from students for students - Academic and Non-Academic Staff Council
- Social Counselling by the Studierendenwerk: Pregnant Students and Students with Children
Advice on student financing (BAföG, parental allowance, student loans) - Portal of the central equal opportunities commissioner "Familie in der Hochschule" (Family at the University)
Information portal and advice for all members of the University of Cologne - Student Application and Registration Office: Students with Care/Education Obligations
Counselling on study and examination organisation (in particular on leave of absence)
External Counselling Centres
Sexualised Discrimination
- Frauen gegen Gewalt, NOTRUF KÖLN (Women Against Violence, Emergeny Hotline)
Contact: +49 221 562035 - Frauen helfen Frauen e.V., Autonome Frauenhäuser (Women Helping Women, Autonomous women's shelters)
Contact: +49 221 515512 - Männer gegen MännerGewalt Köln e.V. (Men Against Male Violence Cologne)
Contact: +49 221 9808370 - Kääls e.V. - Kölner Männerforum (Cologne Forum for Men)
Contact: kaels(at) oder +49 221 7327300 (Mo-Wed 10 am - 1 pm) - Rubicon Beratungszentrum für Lesben und Schwule (Counselling Centre for Lesbian and Gay Persons)
Contact: +49 221 19446 (Counselling) & +49 221 27669990 (Office) - Beratungsstelle für Migrantinnen und Flüchtlingsfrauen agisra Köln e.V. (Counselling Centre for Female Migrants and Refguees)
Contact: +49 221 124019
Hostility against scientists and cybermobbing
- Scicomm-Support
Contact point for attacks and unobjective conflicts in science communication - Alliance against cyberbullying
Prevention and help measures in case of cyberbullying