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We are committed to ensuring that the University of Cologne is a discrimination-sensitive, safe, and violence-free place to study, teach, and work. This requires a culture of awareness and calling out discriminatory, abusive, or violent behaviour.
If you have experienced or witnessed something that doesn’t feel right, support is available for you. We offer confidential counselling and support services (see links at the bottom of this page).


The “nicht o.k.” (not ok) campaign focuses on forms of discrimination within the higher education context. Starting in October 2024, the campaign will initially raise awareness around the issues of sexualised discrimination and violence, as well as racism. In the coming semesters, further dimensions will be addressed.

The background of the campaign includes findings from the survey conducted as part of the UniSAFE research project, in which the University of Cologne participated alongside 45 other institutions. The study on sexualised discrimination and violence in universities and research institutions revealed, among other things, that only 9% of those who experienced gender-based violence at the University of Cologne reported these incidents. Furthermore, about two-thirds of all respondents were unaware of any policies or campaigns addressing gender-based violence at the university. This is despite the fact that around two in three respondents experienced gender-based violence during their time working or studying at the University of Cologne.

In the area of Anti-racism, the focus is on experiences of boundary-crossing behaviours and microaggressions in everyday university life, which form the core content of this topic. In particular, the Working Group on Anti-racism, made up of various actors from the University of Cologne, contributes expertise in this field. Racism is also reproduced in higher education, as evidenced by data collected by reporting and documentation centres, as well as the number of Anti-racism consultations at the university. Often, those affected are uncertain, fearful, and left to deal with the situation alone. Many report that they feel a lack of solidarity and civil courage from those not affected. The campaign calls for a society-wide critical engagement with racism.

Through the “nicht o.k.” campaign, the University of Cologne aims to support those affected and make the advisory and information services more visible. The campaign also sends a clear message to perpetrators:

Discrimination is “nicht o.k.”

The campaign is designed and coordinated by the Gender Equality Office of the University of Cologne in collaboration with the Equal Opportunity Office of the university. The production company QOLABO supported the campaign during the text development phase.

Content warning: The following pages and graphics contain accounts of various experiences of discrimination, and may therefore reproduce discriminatory language.


Below you will find information on support and counselling services, studies, and recommended actions regarding discrimination and racism.

Information on "Sexualised Discrimination and Violence"

Information on "Anti-racism"