Offers & Measures for the Promotion of Studies, Career Entry & (Scientific) Career
For Pupils
- KölnerKinderUni (Cologne Children's University)
- Talentscouting Köln (Talent Scouts from the NRW-Center for Talent Promotion)
- "school is open" (Inclusive Universty School Cologne)
- School Projeects of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
- Schülerinnen und Schüler studieren (Pupils Study - Project for the promotion of highly gifted students)
- Schnupperpraktikum Physik (Introductory practical course in physics for pupils)
- zdi-Schülerlabor (Pupils Lab)
For Students
- Cornelia Harte Mentoring 2001
- Deutschlandstipendium (for highly talented students at all participating universities in Germany)
- Erste Generation Promotion e. V. (First Generation Doctorate)
- Erste Generation Promotion Mentoring+ (First Generation Doctorate Mentoring+)
- Female Career Program (FCP)
- Gender Mentoring-Agency
- Jenny Gusyk "Young Scientists Award"
- KOOST (Auditor and Senior Citizens' Studies)
- Ment4You (mentoring project of the ZfL - Centre for Teacher Education)
- Mentoring-Programme of the Working Group "Perspektive Chirurgie" (Perspective Surgery)
- Student Assistant Positions for Students on the„First Generation“
- Sozialstipendium (Social Scholarship)
- Studienstart International (for BA students from non-European countries)
- Studierendenförderungsfonds (Student Grants Fund)
- Stiftung Studium und Lehre (Foundation Study and Teaching)
- Scholarship for studts with special needs or mental illness
For Doctoral Students
- Return-to-Work Programme (BEM)
- Cornelia Harte Mentoring-Programme (CHM2001 und CHM PRO)
- Erste Generation Promotion e. V. (First Generation Doctorate)
- First Generation Doctorate Mentoring+ (First Generation Doctorate Mentoring+)
- Female Career Program (FCP)
- Gender Mentoring-Agency
- Jenny Gusyk "Young Scientists Award"
- Mentoring-Programme of the Working Group "Perspektive Chirurgie" (Perspective Surgery)
- PROMI (project to support barrier-free doctoral studies)
For Post-docs and Professors
- Return-to-Work Programme (BEM)
- Cornelia Harte Mentoring-Programm (CHM PRO)
- Female Career Program (FCP)
- Gender Mentoring-Agency (as Mentor)
- IFS-Mentoring: Mentoring Program for International Female Scholars
- Jenny Gusyk Award "Family Friendly Leadership"
- Jenny Gusyk Positions (promotion of the compatibility of medical career and family)
- Job-Sharing (for managerial employees of the UoC)
- Management Program for Female Professors & Female Executives
- Support Contact Programme
- Mentoring-Programme of the Working Group "Perspektive Chirurgie" (Perspective Surgery)
- Kopf Frei - Postdoc-Programme for Female Scientists with Family Obligations (currently not in action)
- Postdoc Career Programme
For Employees
- Return-to-Work Programme (BEM)
- Fokus Vereinbarkeit (further education programme on family/care and career)
- Female Career Program (FCP)
- Jenny Gusyk Award "Family Friendly Leadership"
- Job-Sharing (for managerial employees of the UoC)
- Mentoring programme for perspectives in higher education administration and academic management
- Management Program for Female Professors & Female Executives
- Employee and Manager Counselling
- Support Contact Programme
For Managers and Executives
- Focus Vereinbarkeit (further education programme on family/care and career)
- Jenny Gusyk Award "Family Friendly Leadership"
- Jenny Gusyk Positions (promotion of the compatibility of medical career and family)
- Job-Sharing (for managerial employees of the UoC)
- Management Program for Female Professors & Female Executives
- Employee and Manager Counselling
- Support Contact Programme