Point of Contact for Antisemitism Concerns
The University of Cologne is committed to fostering an environment where Jewish students, staff, and researchers can study, work, research and teach free from fear and in safety. Ensuring the well-being and security—both physical and psychological—of all university members affected by antisemitism, including Jewish and Israeli individuals, is a central priority in both analog and digital spaces. To achieve this, the university aims to promote a culture of critical awareness approach at various levels. One key measure is the appointment of a person of trust as the first point of contact for students, staff, faculty, and guests of the university.
The role of the Point of Contact for Antisemitism as a first point of contact is to provide those affected by antisemitism with an opportunity to talk and, if necessary, to inform them about external support and counseling services and refer them accordingly. They serve as the central contact person for students, staff, and faculty members of the university who engage with topics related to antisemitism. Monitoring of antisemitic incidents at the university will be carried out in close collaboration with the Central office for protection against discrimination and abuse of power, as well as with external reporting offices for antisemitism.
- Providing a confidential and low-threshold space for initial conversation and counseling in cases of antisemitic incidents.
- Offering information and referral to external support and advisory services as needed.
- Serving as the central point of contact for students, staff, and faculty engaging with topics related to antisemitism.
- Monitoring antisemitic incidents at the university in close collaboration with the Central office for protection against discrimination and abuse of power, as well as external reporting bodies.
The Point of Contact for Antisemitism can be contacted at the following e-mail address: vertrauensperson-antisemitismus[at]uni-koeln.de. All messages will be handled with strict confidentiality.
Appointed by the Rectorate in November 2024 for a two-year term, the Point of Contact for Antisemitism Concerns is organizationally embedded within the Vice Rectorate for Anti-Discrimination and Equal Opportunities. The Point of Contact person has been a professor at the University of Cologne for several years and has personally experienced antisemitism. They possess both professional and theoretical expertise on all forms of antisemitism- both Classic and modern manifestations such as Israel-related antisemitism.