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New school kids in town? What parents need to know about the German school system

Moving to a foreign country always means a fundamental change in all areas of your life. Especially if you have school-aged kids you have a lot of things to consider and decisions to make. The German school system is quite unique and can be a bit of a challenge. This lecture provides you with information about different types of schools within the German educational system and focuses on the peculiarities in Cologne. Application/registration process and deadlines as well as child care options in the afternoon are further topics. Options for German language training within the school system will be presented.

Den Link zu der Veranstaltung finden Sie hier:https://verwaltung.uni-koeln.de/cfs/content/cfs_programme/fokus_vereinbarkeit/index_ger.html

Institution und Kontakt: Dual Career & Family Support, cfs(at)verw.uni-koeln.de