Jenny Gusyk Awards 2020
In the second part of the event, the Jenny Gusyk Equal Opportunity Awards honored outstanding commitment.
The Jenny Gusyk "Innovation Award" 2020 in the amount of 3,000 euros was awarded to Sabine Graf (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, I. Institute of Physics) for the hands-on physics labs. The physics labs motivate female students in grade 10 to choose a physics course in the upper secondary school and thus indirectly contribute to increasing the number of female students in the field. The project has a high exemplary character for subjects in which female students are underrepresented.
The Jenny Gusyk Prize "Family-Friendly Leadership" 2020 in the amount of 1,000 euros is awarded to a manager who has actively achieved improvements in the compatibility of family or caregiving work and career in their own unit. This year, Prof. Dr. Christian-Mathias Wellbrock (Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, Department of Media and Technology Management) was awarded for the implementation of family-friendly measures in times of the corona pandemic, in which employees are additionally exposed to multiple challenges.
The Jenny Gusyk "Young Talent Award" 2020 in the amount of 1,000 euros is awarded for an outstanding academic thesis in the field of Gender and/or Queer Studies at the University of Cologne. This year, Janine Fißmer (Faculty of Human Sciences, Institute for Comparative Educational Research) received the award for her work 'Gender constructions and gender practices in the context of the police'.
Winner of the Jenny Gusyk "Innovation Award" 2020 - Sabine Graf
Winner of the Jenny Gusyk Prize "Family-Friendly Leadership" 2020 - Prof. Dr. Christian-Mathias Wellbrock
Winner of the Jenny Gusyk "Young Talent Award" 2020 - Janine Fißmer