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Task force Anti-racism

The task force anti racism serves as a place of communication and interaction to systematically address racism at the University of Cologne while also developing specific and practical actions.
Representatives of various university groups, faculties and administration of the university are actively involved as a part of the task force. They report to the working group on current developments, challenges, needs and actions in their respective areas. They act as central contact persons for members of the faculty and functionaries and offer support for certain or specific needs in the area of ​​anti racism.
The task force aims to work intersectionally by taking into account the intersections of racism and other forms of discrimination. Our common goal - a University of Cologne that critically fights against racism - can only be achieved through cooperation, networking, mutual support and open dialogue.
The task force was involved in the not o.k campaign.

The task force anti racism meets at least twice per semester to ensure continuous development and reflection.