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Aktionsplan Inklusion (Inclusion Action Plan)

The development process of the Inclusion Action Plan was embedded in the Diversity Audit "Shaping Diversity", which took place in 2017/2018. In addition to the sub-projects "Anti-discrimination" and "Educational Justice", it represented a third building block in the promotion of diversity. The aim was to formulate, specify and in some cases already implement concrete measures to promote people with disabilities (students and staff in administration and research) at the University of Cologne and to further reduce existing barriers.

In order to make the development of the Action Plan Inclusion sustainable, the "Round Table Inclusion" was set up as a discussion and networking forum. In a total of 4-5 two-hour sessions, the participants accompanied the development process of the action plan. In addition, there were groups of experts on individual fields of action in which interested parties could participate. The fields of action were "Strategy and Structure", "Personnel", "Research", "Counselling and Service", "Communication and IT", "Buildings and Campus" and "Studies and Teaching". In these expert groups, the status quo with regard to inclusion was recorded and specific measures for further development were formulated.
An implementation plan was developed in 2019 together with those responsible for the measures and coordinated with all central actors. The Action Plan Inclusion was adopted by the Senate of the University of Cologne on 15.01.2020.

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Inclusion Action Plan

Coordination and Contact

Susanne Groth
Department for Equal Opportunities
E-Mail: aktionsplan-inklusion(at)