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Female Professors Program I-III

The University of Cologne (UoC) has been successful in all three calls of the Female Professors Program of Federal and States Governments (Professorinnenprogramm des Bundes und der Länder PP I - III).

Universities qualify for the program every 5 years by submitting a gender equality concept, which includes a status quo analysis and a perspective section. After a positive evaluation, professorships of female researchers with an initial appointment can be funded. In return for the co-financing of these professorships, the universities must use funds for additional projects that promote equality. The program thus helps to increase the number of female professors on the one hand and to strengthen gender equality structures at universities on the other.

In each of the three calls, the UoC was able to fill three professorships that met the program's criteria. In this way, a total of around 4,48 million euros has been raised for gender equality projects since 2009. An additional 1.2 million euros were afforded by the UoC - a requirement of the program.

The numerous projects and structural measures implemented with these funds have significantly strengthened gender equality at the UoC and have been partially consolidated.

They are anchored in various institutions:

Contact and Information:

Sandra Staudenrausch
Coordinator Female Professors Program

phone: +49 221 470-2407

Matrix position between D7 Research Management / Dept. 72 (Large Scale Projects) and the Dept. Gender & Equality Management